Un croque-mort trop curieux 1961

Comedy Crime Drama Mystery

(1962) Terry-Thomas, Alex Nicol, Honor Blackman. A man's death of smallpox at London airport sends officials into a panic as they conduct a frantic search for the carrier. Nice performances and a good script. 35mm.

Alle Titel
  • De nieuwsgierige lijkbidder
  • UA: A Matter of WHO A Matter of WHO
  • BR: Brincando com a Morte Brincando com a Morte
  • FR: Un croque-mort trop curieux Un croque-mort trop curieux
  • IT: Il mistero del signor Cooper Il mistero del signor Cooper
  • MX: Un caso extraño Un caso extraño
  • UA: Verpfiffen Verpfiffen
Release 03 Oct 1961
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